
Accounting and taxation
Accounts prepared on a timely basis
Meetings at your premises
An all inclusive fixed fee for accounts, taxation and general advice.
Appraisal of the practice finance with ratios and statistical analysis
Drawings projections prepared and discussed with the partners
Income tax projections prepared in advance of liabilities falling due
Superannuation shortfall projections
Advice and explanations of capital/current accounts
Phone calls and emails returned the same day
Proactive advice delivered through courses, meetings and emails
Advice given on all aspects of G.P. finance including premises reimbursements, personal medical services, extra income generation, etc. With no additional fee - just the agreed annual fee.
Depending on the size of your business we will visit you on a weekly basis to collect all bookkeeping paper work.
All data will be entered onto the accounting software and reconciled.
All tasks will be completed i.e. paying bills, raising invoices, chasing payments, banking etc.
Backup data will be brought back to your business and loaded onto your system so you have figures at your finger tips.
Payroll and pensions, if needed.
We will produce monthly finance reports for you to look at, this will tell you how the business is standing and any further work
If budgets have been set, which is recommended, we will go through these in detail and produce comparison reports in detail.
Payroll and pensions, if needed.
VAT returns submitted to the Inland Revenue on time.

Completion of end of year certificate of pensionable profits.
Advice on superannuation shortfalls or refunds.
Advice on estimates of pensionable profits to enable CCGs to make monthly deductions of superannuation.

Quantify the effect of making a transfer from PMS to GMS and defend the practice from claims from the CCG that the budget needs to be reduced.
Advise our PMS clients what is happening with GMS and what they should be claiming from their CCG (such as what pay rise they should expect) from their CCG (such as what pay rise they should expect).

Draw up the financial documents required to support a tender.
Looking critically at financial plans and assumptions to assess their viability.
Advise on the requirements to join the NHS superannuation scheme by providing business advice.
Partnerships - Mergers and Splits
Assess the financial effect of a merger or demerger. It is not widely known that following a demerger(split) the MPIG is given in full to the practice deemed to be the successor by checking the legal documentation to ensure it is both practical and makes financial sense.
Explain the pitfalls or a merger or split in terms of the effect on tax, business profits and superannuation.